• Shabbat times for your calendar

    Free to download and import

  • So you're able to leave the office (or log off, if you are at home) early on Friday, but sometimes you get very involved and don't realise the time.


    Or you may be making plans for Friday daytime or Saturday night. Either way, it's handy to have the Shabbat times in your calendar. They go from Bereishis 5785 (October 2024) to 31 December 2025.


    I make these csv files for myself each year to import to my Outlook and Google Calendars, and am happy to share them. I have not tested them with other calendars but they are pretty standard files so let me know how you get on.


    All times are for London and have been taken from the United Synagogue website.


    Kabbalat Shabbat (including start times for Chagim and Fasts) - these are named by the weekly sedra.


    Motzei Shabbat (including end times for Chagim and Fasts) - named as "Havdalah".


    Out of office - this puts an appointment marked as "out of office" between one hour before Shabbat and 1730, with an alarm to go off 15 minutes beforehand.


    No warranty provided, but the files seem correct to me and I'm happy to make corrections. Let me know via the Get In Touch button at the top of the page.

    • There is no charge for this service
    • If you want to share this with people, please send them the link to this page (datazed.co.uk/shabbat) so they get the latest versions of the files.